by James Townsend As we bid farewell to 2020, we can look back on the tech trends that shaped the world response to the COVID crisis. The shock of COVID and resulting lockdowns accelerated existing trends such as digital transformation, remote work, and even software development methodologies and tools. For decades, organizations could only choose between off-the-shelf products and custom software development. Over the last 30 years another option -- low code software development -- has risen. This trend began with fourth generation programming languages (4GL) and computer-aided software engineering (CASE) tools in the 1980s. Desktop database products like DataEase, Paradox, Clipper and Microsoft Access were early examples of the low code approach. Today, there are many types of low code software platforms. Some are business platforms such as Microsoft Dynamics, Salesforce, and ServiceNow. Another group are business process management (BPM) products such as Appian and Pega
From James Townsend, vice president of Sylogist, thoughts on digital transformation, marketing automation, customer relationship management, Power Apps , Microsoft Dynamics 365, government contracting, customer service and more.