When you implement a customer relationship management system (CRM) for sales force automation, you must analyze your sales process in order to understand the steps that should be automated, and all the business processes that come into play during the sales cycle. Salespeople use many analogies that are used to describe sales, but the most common are hunting and fishing. Hunting is the most common way of thinking about sales. Your sales prospects are targets, and you spend your time tracking them down and finding out how you can reach them. Sales tactics are a bit like hunting weapons, and you track statistics on how many of your quarry you bag and how many get away. You can find sales books that explain sales as hunting, and how to use 'trust as your weapon." Large sales are called "elephants" or "whales" and small sales are "deer" or "rabbits." In the sales as hunting world, salespeople wander the earth to find prey and s
From James Townsend, vice president of Sylogist, thoughts on digital transformation, marketing automation, customer relationship management, Power Apps , Microsoft Dynamics 365, government contracting, customer service and more.