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Showing posts from November, 2013

Notes on Upgrading from Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 to Dynamics CRM 2013

The following are notes on upgrading from Dynamics CRM 2011 to Dynamics CRM 2013 from InfoStrat’s Dynamics CRM lead Dmitri Riz . In many ways, the upgrade to Dynamics CRM 2013 is less painful than the transition from version 3.0 to 4.0 or from 4.0 to Dynamics CRM 2011.   In general, if your site has been already upgraded to CRM 2011 Rollup Update 12 or later, you shouldn’t experience significant issues with updating to CRM 2013. The upgrade process falls into following large categories:      1.        Find incompatible/legacy code and update it       2.        Upgrade to 2013 (if using on-premise)       3.        Review and refactor the user interface (UI) to adopt the new form and navigation paradigm. Dynamics CRM 2013 removes all support from legacy 4.0 features. All references to objects like crmForm or 2007 web service endpoints such as ‘… /mscrmservices/2007/crmservice.asmx ’; ISV folder, CRM 4.0 plugins are all unsupported and should be replaced with updated object

Microsoft Grants Manager Plus

The latest version of Microsoft Grants Manager Plus contains new features and enhancements based on feedback from users as well as software updates from Microsoft . This is a summary of what is new as of November 2013.   Integration with Microsoft Dynamics AX Most grant management solutions require integration with a financial management system.   Grants Manager Plus includes integration with Microsoft Dynamics AX to offer a more complete solution for the entire grant lifecycle. Grants Manager includes sample code to integrate with Microsoft Dynamics AX.   This integration allows authorization   of funding sources and processing of payment requests from Grants Manager Plus. New Program Data Elements The data model for grant programs has been expanded to include new program classification elements (Budget Activities, Program Attributes, Program Skills). Automated Financial Rollups New reporting includes financial summaries on grant and program levels. Multi-Browser Su