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Microsoft Grants Manager Plus

The latest version of Microsoft Grants Manager Plus contains new features and enhancements based on feedback from users as well as software updates from Microsoft . This is a summary of what is new as of November 2013.

 Integration with Microsoft Dynamics AX
Most grant management solutions require integration with a financial management system.  Grants Manager Plus includes integration with Microsoft Dynamics AX to offer a more complete solution for the entire grant lifecycle.

Grants Manager includes sample code to integrate with Microsoft Dynamics AX.  This integration allows authorization  of funding sources and processing of payment requests from Grants Manager Plus.

New Program Data Elements
The data model for grant programs has been expanded to include new program classification elements (Budget Activities, Program Attributes, Program Skills).

Automated Financial Rollups
New reporting includes financial summaries on grant and program levels.

Multi-Browser Support
Grants Manager Plus is compatible with the latest web browsers, including Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari and Firefox.

New Utilities
New tools are provided for building surveys and data migration.

New Charts and Dashboards
The dashboards and charts in Grants Manager Plus have been refreshed, including inline charts. 

Automated Financial Rollups
Financial summary information is provided on the  Grant/Application and Program levels.

New Grant Features
Many new data elements and features have been added, including:
  • Advanced budget setup and management, including support for budget categories, forecasted cash needs etc.
  • Payment request / disbursement management
  • Additional federal data tracking (compensated officers, etc.)
  • Support for grant amendments
  • Support for grant closeout process
Many more new features have been added, making the solution more attractive to grantor organizations.  The latest Microsoft Dynamics CRM product pricing means the software cost for running the solution is also lower than ever.

For more information on Grants Manager Plus, see these posts:

5 Ways to Ensure Compliance with Your Grant Management System
6 Things to Look for in Grant Management Software
Estimating the Cost of a Microsoft Grants Manager Plus Implementation
Extending Grants Manager Plus
Flexible Grant Management Software: Long Term Considerations
Grant Management for Community Development Block Grants (CDBG)
Grant Management Portal: What to Include
Grant Management with FedRAMP Certification: Microsoft Dynamics 365
Grants Manager Plus: Theme and Variations
InfoStrat Grants Manager Plus Review on FinanceOnline
InfoStrat Releases New Version of Grants Manager Plus
InfoStrat Releases New Videos on Grants Manager Plus
Microsoft Grants Manager Plus
Microsoft Grants Manager Plus Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Online Resources for Microsoft Grants Manager Plus
Portal Options for Microsoft Grants Manager
Statewide Grant Management Systems
The DATA Act Driving Grant Management Automation
The Story of InfoStrat and Grant Management
Usage Scenarios for Microsoft Grants Manager
User Stories for Grants Manager Plus
Understanding Budget, Payments and Milestones in Grants Manager Plus
Understanding Grant Management Data: CDBG-DR Programs
Understanding Programs in Grants Manager Plus

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