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Usage Scenarios for Grants Manager Plus

Government agencies have diverse requirements when it comes to automating grants management.  I have been helping customers evaluate Grants Manager Plus and it turns out that each agency has a unique approach which requires some customization in order to optimally match their business rules.  One size definitely does not fit all when it comes to grants.

Federal agencies are the largest grantors, and rarely receive grants except perhaps from other federal agencies.  These agencies are bound by guidelines established by the Office of Management and Budget and are striving for more consistent approaches to grants such as accepting applications via the portal.    Many of their grants are formula grants rather than competitive grants, and the formulas themselves may be quite complicated.    Typically the grant managers are scattered among offices within an agency rather than centralized, although some are consolidating.  The volume of applications and dollar value of federal grants ranges widely, but is often quite high. Most federal grantors have automated their processes but are relying on custom built solutions that may be based on outdated technology which is difficult to update as business rules change.

Local governments, on the other hand, are primarily grant recipients rather than grantors.    They are focused on applying for grants and managing the grant activities, including reporting to state or federal grantor agencies.  The most common scenario is to use Excel spreadsheets and email to manage grant information, along with the agency's accounting software.      The scattered nature of data means it is difficult to do reporting and combine data from multiple departments or agencies.   

State governments fall between the extremes of federal and local government in terms of grants.   They are both grantees and grantors. Most states have automated their grants processes, at least in larger agencies.

Grants Manager Plus allows each customer to tailor the solution to their requirements.  For instance, many agencies have a simple proposal review process and don't need the full sophistication of the review wizard and review group functionality in Grants Manager Plus.   They can replace that function with a workflow that matches their process.  Specialized groups can use only a portion of the solution as needed and hide extraneous forms and reports from their menus.  Many of the customizations can be performed without programming by system administrators.

For more information on grant management and Grants Manager Plus, see my posts:

5 Ways to Ensure Compliance with Your Grant Management System
6 Things to Look for in Grant Management Software
Estimating the Cost of a Microsoft Grants Manager Plus Implementation
Extending Grants Manager Plus
Flexible Grant Management Software: Long Term Considerations
Grant Management for Community Development Block Grants (CDBG)
Grant Management Portal: What to Include
Grant Management with FedRAMP Certification: Microsoft Dynamics 365
Grants Manager Plus: Theme and Variations
InfoStrat Grants Manager Plus Review on FinanceOnline
InfoStrat Releases New Version of Grants Manager Plus
InfoStrat Releases New Videos on Grants Manager Plus
Microsoft Grants Manager Plus
Microsoft Grants Manager Plus Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Online Resources for Microsoft Grants Manager Plus
Portal Options for Microsoft Grants Manager
Statewide Grant Management Systems
The DATA Act Driving Grant Management Automation
The Story of InfoStrat and Grant Management
Usage Scenarios for Microsoft Grants Manager
User Stories for Grants Manager Plus
Understanding Budget, Payments and Milestones in Grants Manager Plus
Understanding Grant Management Data: CDBG-DR Programs
Understanding Programs in Grants Manager Plus

You can view a PowerPoint presentation on Grants Manager Plus

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