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Top 5 Reasons to Move Your Infrastructure into Microsoft Azure

[This is a guest post from Steve Vickerage of For more information, see the blog.  ]

Although it is not a new trend, we continue to see accelerated movement from on premises servers to cloud computing from our prospects. For many, the move is triggered by the need to upgrade aging server hardware. This leads to reconsideration of costs and new options to meet computing requirements.
Here are the Top 5 reasons to consider moving your infrastructure to the Microsoft Azure cloud:

1. Scalability

If you need another server, we can provision one for you relatively quickly. If you need more resources for an existing server, we can add it for you on the fly, no need to buy drives or RAM and schedule onsite visits. If you need more capacity for your back up and disaster recovery solutions there is no need to buy costly appliances, just add more space and retention as needed. If you are hosting a webserver, Azure can handle spikes of traffic and scale with no problem. These are just a few examples, and the Scalability of Azure is very attractive to all organizations.

2. Expedited Deployments

With current supply chain issues especially, getting replacement servers with desired specs can take weeks, or even months. This downtime can be very disruptive and costly. Azure services can be deployed quickly, comparatively speaking. All the enterprise infrastructure, and world class security is already there for you to draw resources from in moments.

3. Minimize Risk of Downtime

Microsoft offers uptime guarantees for Microsoft 365 and Azure services. Their datacenters offer world class security and adhere to industry compliance regulations. (Microsoft Trust Center Home | Microsoft's Trusted Cloud, Cloud Compliance Overview | Achieve Cloud Compliance

4. Security

Microsoft's global incident response team works round the clock to mitigate the effects of any attack against its cloud services. This means with Azure you are in a trusted environment protected by the best cloud security experience and know how. We add several layers of protection, including Endpoint detection and Response (EDR), Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM), on top of Microsoft’s security features. Safeguard your entire organization with integrated security, compliance, and identity solutions built to work across platforms and cloud environments. (Comprehensive Security for Business | Microsoft Security)

5. Single Sign on and Efficient Management

As a user, Azure Active Directory enables you to have a single login for all services and brings these benefits up into the cloud. As your managed service partner, we can manage and optimize all your resources very efficiently from within the Azure console.

For many of our clients, the move to Azure is gradual and can take place over months and even years. Usually they start with Back up and Disaster Recovery services in Azure. Then move their files and mapped drives once they start to see how easy and cost-effective Azure is. Then clients add other workloads like their accounting system or key business applications. Very seldom do clients move all their infrastructure at once.

There is another great aspect to Azure and that is the idea of Azure services. This is where you start to think of your business systems not in the context of what function your server performs, but rather each function on the server as a service. The backing up of your data is not necessarily to a server in Azure, but rather to the Azure back up service. This is a little abstract but gets at the key benefit of only paying for what you use and need and not wasting money and resources on capacity that is not productive.

If you would like to review your move to Azure, based on your specific needs, give a call and we can walk you through the options that make sense for you!

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