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What's New in Serenic Navigator Fall 2021


Highlights of Serenic Navigator Improvements

The latest release of Serenic Navigator includes several small but impactful enhancements.

Improvements to the User Interface

  • Focus mode allows you to expand areas on certain pages (e.g., the Lines FastTab on a purchase document), allowing for easier data entry. See the Key Terms for the User Interface article for more information (link below).
  • Indicators will show when your data has been saved. (Note: Saving is automatic.)
  • The Navigate feature has been renamed Find Entries.

General Improvements or Improvements to Multiple Areas

  • You can make personalization changes that apply to a profile (e.g., create a Saved View available to all users with that profile). See the Make Personalization Changes for a Profile article for more information.
  • The Name and Description fields have been expanded to 100 characters on several records, including vendors, customers, and items. Also, the Description field on the general journal has been expanded to 100 characters.
  • On a Recurring General Journal defined to reverse, the Reverse Date Calculation field has been added so that you can use a date formula (e.g., 1D). The date for the reversal is calculated using the Posting Date for the original entry.
  • Job Queue entries now allow for a date formula (e.g., 1M) to calculate the next run date.
  • Registers now include a Creation Time (in addition to the Creation Date).
  • When you preview a report, then close the preview, you return to the report options page.
Improvements to General Ledger
  • You can now edit the Description field on General Ledger Entries
    • For example, you can easily correct a misspelling. 
    • Note: You should enable the Change Log for this field and explore Permission Sets that restrict access to editing.
  • A new setting on the G/L Account card, Omit Default Descr. in Jrnl., allows you to clear the Description field on the journal line, forcing the user to type a new description rather than accept the default (Audit FastTab).
  • The General Journal now displays the Number of Lines in the batch (at the bottom of the journal page). This can be especially helpful after an import to confirm that all lines are in the batch.

Improvements to Cash Management

  • A new bank reconciliation option is available.
    • For clients not on a W1 database, you will still have the reconciliation worksheet (the form you are familiar with).
    • A setting on the General Ledger Setup page determines whether you use the new reconciliation page or the existing worksheet. 
    • The new reconciliation option uses data exchange definitions to allow you to match your bank's statement file format for importing. It also has an auto-matching option for clearing transactions.
    • See the Create a Bank Reconciliation (All Navigator Products) article for more information (link below).

Improvements to Payables

  • Purchase & Payables Setup has two new fields on the General FastTab:
    • Copy Vendor Name to Entries will post the vendor name to the Vendor Ledger Entries page.
      • Applies to transactions posted after you enable this setting.
    • When Create Item from Item No. is enabled and a user enters an item number that does not exist on a purchase or sales document, Navigator will offer to create a new item record.
  • New corrective actions are available from the Posted Purchase Invoice page:
    • Correct - Cancels the invoice and creates a new, unposted version of the invoice.
    • Cancel - Cancels the invoice, then creates and posts a credit memo reversing the invoice (cannot be used if you are using approvals on invoices/credit memos).
    • Create Corrective Credit Memo – Creates a new, unposted credit memo reversing the invoice.
    • See the Correct Posted Purchase Invoices and Purchase Credit Memos articles (links below).
  • A new Merge With function has been added, allowing you to merge duplicate vendor records.
    • You can determine which fields to retain from the retained and removed ("duplicate") record.
    • Ledger entries move from the duplicated record to the retained record.
  • The Vendor Invoice No. column has been added to the Purchase Invoice list, while the Vendor Cr. Memo No. column has been added to the Purchase Credit Memo list. (Small changes, but helpful in your daily work!)

Improvements to Receivables

  • Sales & Receivables Setup has two new fields on the General FastTab:
    • Copy Customer Name to Entries will post the customer name to the Customer Ledger Entries page.
      • Applies to transactions posted after you enable this setting.
    • Quote Validity Calculation will calculate a default value for the Quote Valid To Date field on sales quotes.
  • New corrective actions are available from the Posted Sales Invoice page:
    • Correct - Cancels the invoice and creates a new, unposted version of the invoice.
    • Cancel - Cancels the invoice, then creates and posts a credit memo reversing the invoice.
    • Create Corrective Credit Memo – Creates a new, unposted credit memo reversing the invoice.
    • See the Correct Posted Sales Invoices and Sales Credit Memos articles (links below).
  • A new Merge With function has been added, allowing you to merge duplicate customer records.
    • You can determine which fields to retain from the retained and removed ("duplicate") record.
    • Ledger entries move from the duplicated record to the retained record.
  • A new field has been added to sales quotes, Quote Valid To Date.
    • Informational only.
    • Can default based on a date formula defined on the Sales & Receivables Setup page.
  • You can now generate a purchase order or purchase invoice from a sales order, including all or selected lines from the order on the purchase document.

Improvements to Inventory

  • The Copy Item Descr. to Entries field has been added to the Inventory Setup page.
    • When enabled, Navigator will post the item description to the Item Ledger Entries page.
    • When disabled, Navigator will post the description on the individual transaction.
  • The Import Item Pictures tool has been added to import groups of items photographs.
    • The file name must match the Item No.
  • The Physical Inventory Order is a new document with the ability to create additional “recording” documents (e.g., to hand out to separate employees doing the inventory). 
    • Physical Inventory Journal didn’t go away, this is just an alternative. 
For more information, customers may log into the Serenic KnowledgeBase. 

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